Simon Cowell signs The Voice superstar Shary An Nivillac to UK Label (2025)

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bazztheman93 Posts: 4,511

Forum Member


10/11/11 - 23:29 in The X Factor #1

I am so shocked that Simon has signed Shary to his label, its a massive risk, and the UK has no idea who she is. Has he gone MAD? However the girl has some real talent. In my opinion this is a real dig at the Voice producers and Universal records. Im not really sure how far Shary got but she musn;t have got that far for her to be signed

She was signed to SONY BMG after her shock elimination and has released 2 tracks in the Netherlands. For he Europe debut, specifically UK Markey she hasd been signed to Syco and managed my SimCO. On her official You Tube Channel tracks of her debut album have been released, however there will be more tracks added when the album is released in the UK.

I wonder if she will sing on X Factor UK or maybe on Xtra Factor, however can;t wait to hear her album.

The Voice Audition

Mr Know it all (Debut Single) UK release date to be decided



@REGYATES SYCO have signed THE VOICE Netherlands superstar Shary An Nivillac! You said on Sunday she was going places! Simon 1 The Voice 0

  • unclekevo Posts: 20,749

    Forum Member


    10/11/11 - 23:30 #2

    Kelly Clarkson recently released a song of the exact same name, I presume it's different?

  • rated_2000 Posts: 2,610

    Forum Member


    10/11/11 - 23:34 #3

    source ?

  • InMyArms Posts: 51,109

    Forum Member

    10/11/11 - 23:35 #4

    bazztheman93 wrote: »

    I am so shocked that Simon has signed Shary to his label, its a massive risk, and the UK has no idea who she is. Has he gone MAD?

    It's not unusual for record labels to sign unknowns, the majority of big stars are signed as unknowns.

  • bazztheman93 Posts: 4,511

    Forum Member


    10/11/11 - 23:35 #5

    unclekevo wrote: »

    Kelly Clarkson recently released a song of the exact same name, I presume it's different?

    Yeah it seems like a reggae influence track, but yeah same title as Kelly Clarkson LOL actually never thought of that until you mentioned it.

  • [Deleted User] Posts: 1,674

    Forum Member


    10/11/11 - 23:38 #6

    happy for her!

  • unclekevo Posts: 20,749

    Forum Member


    10/11/11 - 23:43 #7

    Odd how artists release different songs with the exact same name around the same time. Last year, we had Chezza and Take That releasing separate songs called 'The Flood'

  • Dave0893 Posts: 13,681

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 00:48 #8

    I quite like that song and can see it doing well here.

  • bazztheman93 Posts: 4,511

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 16:17 #9

    Dave0893 wrote: »

    I quite like that song and can see it doing well here.

    Yeah its a nice fun track, she reminds me of VV Brown slightly Simon Cowell signs The Voice superstar Shary An Nivillac to UK Label (10)

  • Carlisle156 Posts: 23,517

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 16:31 #10

    Bit weird that he's signed her.

    My Dutch friend was raving on about her last year, but I preferred Esther. Don't see anything special in Chary, or her single.

  • Metal Mickey Posts: 1,606

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 17:22 #11

    I can't see her doing anything in the UK at all, and to be honest couldn't see how she lasted so long in the show at the time (though one of the interesting things about watching from a different country and in a different language is being completely insulated from any external hype...) - all attitude and no, er, voice.

  • iluvdannii Posts: 3,147

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 17:43 #12

    I thought she was good but not amazing!!? dunno why simon would sign her!?

  • bazztheman93 Posts: 4,511

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 18:00 #13

    iluvdannii wrote: »

    I thought she was good but not amazing!!? dunno why simon would sign her!?

    I still maintain the only reason Simon signed her was to annoy the voice guys here is someone i signed and is doing better than the winner. It could backfore on him thought who knows

  • iluvdannii Posts: 3,147

    Forum Member


    11/11/11 - 18:05 #14

    bazztheman93 wrote: »

    I still maintain the only reason Simon signed her was to annoy the voice guys here is someone i signed and is doing better than the winner. It could backfore on him thought who knows

    yeh i guess. would make sense! I mean she's not that amazing that he has to sign her!

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Simon Cowell signs The Voice superstar Shary An Nivillac to UK Label (2025)


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