FOX and Friends Sunday : FOXNEWSW : August 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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♪ ♪ pete: it is the 8 a.m. hour "fox & friends" weekend white house reaching new tipping point you might say. kamala harris passing all and stealing trump's policy as her own. in that state. >> when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. >> when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. and eliminate taxes on tips for service and workers. rachel: plus are you ready for retirement president biden snoozing at the beach after opening up for the first time on his decision to exit the race.

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>> it is a great honor being president. i think eve an obligation to the country to do what most important thing -- >> this week marks one year anniversary since the wildfires in lahaina how the island recovered since the deadly blaze. this is the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting right now. ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning everybody it's 8:00. and you're looking at a shot of chicago. pete: chicago. like that we don't often have shots like that we have beach shots and skyline shots. the downtown area of chicago -- it is one of the most staggering things to see. will: yep. pete: that mile there along the river.

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the roman column building it is beautiful. rachel: they do architecture tours because it is so nice and sad what's happened to that city. will: you know what that shot made me think about. you might be too young. this might be outside of your cultural -- the blues brothers. pete: i know -- rachel: the blues brothers. pete: i know about them. will: you've heard of them. pete: i know -- rachel: john. pete: they wear hats and glasses. glam you assumed i didn't know this cultural touch stone. well, i thought you both even with your stiff neck from that amazing swim you did yesterday. you both when the song came on you were both like will was like this. and then pete was like yeah. pete: if you're noticing will's neck doesn't move he's injured

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from the seal slope he finished yesterday show you more clips from that seal swim you did incredibly. will: thank you so much. kamala harris hasn't expose herself nor any plat porm to public scrutiny not to journalist sit downs not to press conferences. but she did step in from few reporters yesterday and what's called a press gaggle says it's all coming. it is coming soon on what you can expect under kamala harris. >> roll out your policy platform? >> next week and it will be -- focused on the economy. and what we need to do to bring down costs also strengthen the economy. >> so that's it. that's the extent of what you've heard from her plus the 70 seconds we got near an airplane ever since she quietly became the nominee of the democratic party already the nominee it all happened like this.

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with behind scenes phone calls meetings, voters didn't actually speak but now they have a new nominee who doesn't have to speak to reporters if she doesn't have to so keep doing rallies. you saw i don't know if you saw or not. the splicing of the speeches every speech the same line, same punch line delivery line. they know they're -- and they think it is working for them so why deviate from it. rachel: they won't deviate until it stops working. pete: have to force her out of her comfort zone it is on him the press wongt do it. will: i want to highlight this note. this is in our some of our paperwork here that prepares us for the show. i know that i'm not the only one only the couch that piepgdz this stunning, north carolina is the first state in the nation who will sengsd out absentee ballots they'll do so on september 6th now the point of this note, this morning --

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first of all we can also turn and go that's insane like we have -- we have i guess a three month voting window because, you know we're not going to get there's warnings going out that you won't necessarily get the tally on election night. can take time. so the point listen, voting on september 6th absentee. harris has less than a month that she would have to hold out from telling you what her policies are sitting down for interviews. that's before any debate right that she's committed to. so you theoretically in north carolina would be voting based upon -- what kamala harris being put in as the democratic nominee no votes, and really laying out nothing about who she would be as president. pete: you can go her website with not a policy platform listed. none. rachel: you're right. nothing on there. will: we've pointed it out but you're the nominee now you might before people vote -- talk about what you would do as

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president. pete: you would think. rachel: as you said she still is the vice president. she's -- she can do things right now. so she keeps going on her speeches talking to people about the economy. and these as you said, you know, all teleprompter speeches, but she'll say i'm going to do this for the economy and now just decided yesterday that she's going to have no tax on tips. an idea she stole from the trump campaign and doesn't have to explain why she's not doing it right now. [laughter] it doesn't make sense like that should be the first thing don't wait until november to make our life better you're in power. joe biden is in power. you can talk to him. you guys can both talk to obama see if he's okay with it and then help us now before november. but this is kind of like, you have to sign remember when nancy pelosi said you have to pass the bill and then fiend out what's in it? why not until you're elected to -- pete: she doesn't want -- she wants to go nowhere near the

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white house for the remaining of the election. no association with joe at all and pretend she wasn't there all of the decisions were his. and she's going to create this shiny bright new future all a sham. but this is politics. she's cure rating an image by the way, will and i are going to go off the wall here in about 40 minutes and walk through what are actually -- what are her policies actually? that's kind of helpful to pull back the curtain rely on people. will: bring in shannon bream who joins us now. good morning, shannon. shannon: i lot of you're doing this off the wall because tricky thing is what are the polls we've heard in the past there's a bit of a disavowal now not for the candidate herself but things like fracking we, no changing the supreme court yes, no all kinds of thins so it will be helpful i think. will: to follow-up on that shannon you're right fracking has been yes, no. approached a crime has been

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hard, soft on crime at various points in her career and positions that's yes, no. i'm curious when you highlight a supreme court last i heard she was -- open and advocating for the idea of increasing kka packing the supreme court. do we know? is that also existing in the yes, no land we don't know kamala harris and what she would do to the supreme court. shannon: that's fair to say during campaigning she talked about having a conversation being opening to adding seats. then both she and president biden during administration were like no i don't think that's the best way to go. now you know the president proposed a new set of potential changes for the supreme court. and she's apparently signed on to that. so it is one of the many areas that we don't know exactly what her intentions are and that's why important that you know she gets out there. there's so many pieces out there and it is not just, you know, those that you would think or center right media papers those kinds of things it is all over the media landscape where we're starting to see mainstream media

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saying we have questions that we need to get answered so we'll see. glai. waiting to see someone other than shannon bream asking those questions. [laughter] maybe they could ask her about this because it wasn't have long ago we talked about how now she says she doesn't want to put taxes on people's tips but it was very -- during this administration that they said they were going to actually charge the irs all of the new irs agents they just brought on to go after people's tips and, in fact, über anybody like über drivers who has a -- you know, where it is actually calculated and you can prove they got the tip because it's digital. was very upset about it. how will she walk that back? shannon: i think it is interesting that she's talked about this on the campaign trail out west in nevada and arizona where there's a very heavy hospitality industry and a popular line buts it the exact same line that president trump started months ago. and the policy position he had months ago so for a ticket

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that's going to say trump's ideas are all bad, bad for the economy everything else just interesting that she would take something that's been such a high profile talking point from him and pick it up on the campaign trail and saying the economic plan is coming this week and nothing on the campaign website about that. but it is helpful we need that data, as you said, i mean, voting is starting starting wita matter of weeks wean very much on the media honeymoon you have to wonder whether or not that correction is going to happen before we actually get to the votes that matter. pete: meanwhile our government i guess on autopilot. we are not sure what joe is doing on a regular basis we do have new images yesterday of him -- sleeping on the beach in rehoboth not in campaign mode anymore but he did take a moment to do an interview with another network. and he talked about his decision to drop out of the race. it is first time we've heard from it him directly about it here's what he said about it. >> i ran the first time i thought of myself as being

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transition president. i can't say how old i am. it is hard to get out of mouth but a great honor being president. i think i have an obligation to the country to do what most important thing that you do that is we must, we must defeat trump. >> so -- shannon, what do you make of what is the rest of his term look like? >> well first of all he's got one more interview in the column than the current vice president who since he stepped down he's done more interviews than she has only one but we're waiting. i think that you guys know and we've talked about this all over the channel and beyond about what happens when you're a lame duck president because we see provocations again, you know, the pentagon saying it was an iranian proxy that came after our service members five people including contractor as well injured at the al-assad base, the fact there have been 175 attacks since october you know there are those who don't feel

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very worried about a biden-harris administration you have to wonder how they feel about harris walz administration but he's talked about big things before the end of his term does not seem like there's the will on capitol hill to get any of that done. maybe the most productive place for him is to get some rest. will: what else is coming up on fox news sunday? >> talk to tim cotton and both veterans talk about foreign policy also what you know trying to figure out the positions of this new harris walz ticket, and where we go from there. two economists to break down what's happening in the market where is those policies and changes but, you know, proposed by the two campaigns will impact your 401(k) grocery and gas moving forward. >> we'll be watching. by the way, can i say -- will i'm very entreesed impressed that you did something like that swim i'm the getting to the poijt and somehow injured my neck and back by sleeping on

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the wrong pillow. kudos for doing something worthwhile to get your injury. will: thank you for that shannon. yengt factor in this could be age related as well. shannon: younger than me. bye guys. will: this week august 8th which was thursday marks one year anniversary since tbhiefers lahaina you remember the story from a year ago. 102 died in that city, 12,000 displaced almost the entirety i would say roughly 85% of that. that city gone -- on august 8th this year, there was a commemoration of the event in, you know, beach surf culture and when it comes to funeral called a paddle out everybody will paddle out on boats, surfboards throw wreaths hundred there is off where lahaina was. there was images from this year,

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and what happened. but it's been a year. and this was a story that you know, of course, i dove in on -- but there's so many just as a reminder we've raised 2.6 million through the generosity of the fox news viewer but here's another stat 30,000 people gave some amount of money. you know what i mean. so so many people said will where are we what's happened? so we want to revisit that this morning i spoke to zane and maddy local lahaina guys about where we are a year later. >> we have come a long way fortunately i think we have come a lot further than any of us expected. there's a lot of people that still dongt have homes. there's still a lot of people in hotels and there's an immense amount of work and healing that needs to be done. especially in the -- in the main commercial apartment of lahaina but i think people are just resilient and we're just -- taking it one step at a time here. >> to see our community come out of such a devastating event.

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stronger together, and to have a community we can rely on and trust during a dark time was something that kept us all moving forward and keeping hope at the end of the day, and we're just so grateful to be a part of such an amazing community. pete: from the outside it may not look like a lot of progress well i've heard that. not a lot of homes it is almost no homes have been rebuilt but it's been cleared. so you feel good about the path forward. will: they do. i was there a week and a half ago now, and i got to tour through the entirety of lahaina. and i did send video in we may or may not have some of that but on my social media as well. i'll get it one within the next day or two. but yeah, it's just such a huge task to clean up. after a fire like that -- so yeah, the progress is it looks like well -- like a construction site. but like when you just start like a housing development just flat lots.

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that people are not permitted and can and i'm telling you i took real quick i was riding an atv through, and i see this guy sitting just in an empty lot under a shed and somebody said that's our old -- that's uncle earl so i have to meet him. i went over there because he was a recipient of the fund that so many of you is a huge fan in lahaina sitting in his lot just sitting there and we hugged he's like, he's like i'm trying to make this a home before i can build my home. but the new footprint, foundation, ready to build, they're ready to put foundations down and ready to build homes and i'm blown away by the human spirit and positivity. one year anniversary on thursday. >> optimism of the spirit. rachel: when will the i've been there myself front street when will that -- displil probably will never be -- the same. will: not going to build back along the ocean. that was grandfathered in. you have to have a setback from

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the ocean who knows what the commercial and touristic aspects will be. but we will see. pete: all right we turn now to the middle east. with the idf ordering fresh round of evacuations in gaza overnight they're continuing to target sites occupied by hamas within the strip. chief foreign correspondent trey yingst joins us now on the ground in israel. hey, trey. reporter: yeah hey guys all eyes are on gaza todays and it also comes as the region waits to see if iran and its approximate yis will attack there are diplomatic efforts underway to try to divert a crisis. we do know egyptian qatari and u.s. negotiators will meet on thursday to try a last ditch effort to cut a cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. 310 days into the war in gaza this is the only diplomat egg offramp available right now as bloodshed continues on saturday israeli strike against a school building killed dozens of palestinians, israelis say 19 of them were hamas and islamic

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jihad operatives not independently verified as loved ones search for family members before funerals were held for the dead. >> the israeli occupation force hit people this morning at dawn when they were getting ready for their dawn prayers. it hit with three missiles one from a drone. new evacuation orders were given to palestinian civilians today in honunas toured the humanitarian zone, for most they've had to evacuate multiple times since the war began. while theson front remains active so does the north on saturday, hezbollah launched drons and rockets into northern israel and response to an israeli strike in southern lebanon there are new concerns cross border exchange of fire will effect late in days ahead. now only hope for observers of this conflict that a possible cease-fire between israel and hamas and gaza could lead to a deescalation of tension across the region. guys.

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will: i want to congratulate you on your new book black saturday. the definitive account of what happened on october 7th. it is out right now so folks check it out. pete: nobody knows it better than you trey thanks for continuing to break it dun and congrats on the book. rachel: thanks trey good having you. the san francisco d.a. vowing to hold anti-israel protesters about thible. displeet will the rest of the country follow suit? leo terrell reacts next. ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪

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pete: today kamala harris heading back to old stomping grounds for a fund raiser with nancy pelosi and fellow we highlighted her troaflt record on crime and certainly did not end there. as senator she voiced support for the minnesota freedom fund applauded l.a. mayor decision to slash police funding. and she also sponsored the green new deal. and called to reevaluate through some, you know, whistles there the role of ice backing health care for illegal immigrants on the taxpayers dime that's the start it have fox news contributor leo terrell lives in california and joins us now

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we're taking care of rachel don't worry. rachel: hi leo. pete: you've got it orders are taken they're followed. [laughter] talk to me about you, you've spent your whole life in california live in san francisco. you were there when she was the d.a.. what was life like when kamala harris was in charge of what law and order is supposed to look like? >> thank you for that. kamala harris is founding member of the progressive prosecutors of herk. america when she was the district attorney, she allowed the cop killer to escape the death penalty doesn't enforce death penalty on murder. more importantly guess what she endorses george gascón you know what george gascón has done to los angeles county as a d.a. endorsed him she also had him as a chief of police when she was a d.a.. i mean, think about prop 47. prop 47 is that horrible bill that allow people to rob and steal every day.

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she wrote the language for the bill and called this safe neighborhood and safe school. there's nothing safe about prop 47 when you're allowed to steal 4950 dollars. she supports sanctuary cities as you correctly stated there's tape on her regarding defunding the police where she's praised mayor. she has no moral compass she's focused on power and control. she's a progressive, she's liberal, and that is why california is in the shape it is and as far as law and order. there is no law and order pete, in california i want to be honest lived here all my life i'm a lawyer i looked at what she's done to the state and she destroyed it. she destroyed it early. >> she was one of the key people of the slide of california which beautiful state. everyone wanted to be there for the longest time now wants to turn our entire country into that kind of landscape we also talked to a police officer on the streets during her time in san francisco said that's the moment that everything started

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to slide because we started to let all of the little stuff go. but leo it seems that some in san francisco have at least applying some common sense these days we know chesta dean there's brook jenkins her name a period to crack down. you have to let me know if this was a real a protest on the famous golden gate bridge in san francisco bunch of people were arrested but now she's actually charging them -- is it a new day in san francisco for law and order? >> is there a new day in san francisco in law and order nope, pete. no. i was on fox news on -- i was on fox news with john roberts sandra smith when this happened where people denied medical care because these anti-semitic individuals blocked the golden bridge freeway. and let me tell you what happened she's filing charges what does that mean pete? people get charged and then released. 26 of them are getting

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misdemeanor let me tell you what that means expungement and what is happening this is nothing more than a political stunt why? i think the jewish american community has used its political muscle see cori bush jamal bauman and the people in san francisco are running -- scared. just filing charges are meaningless pete over the last year and a half jewish community has been under attack where's the federal government where are the federal charges? what charges are being filed? so if you don't see imprisonment and convictions this is nothing more than a political pr stunt because when you get arrested in california, you get arrested and you get released. >> that's it that's what i needed to hear surprised they were turning corner they are not unfortunately leo terrell great to see you buddy. always bring a smile to our face. >> be nice to rachel. sphwhreet only if she's nice to me. you've got it thanks leo. all right. ozempic hot spot one unassuming city becomes america's weight

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loss epicenter and where that is may surprise you. plus one artificial sweetener could elevate your risk of heart disease, the doctors in, nicole saphier gives us a free consultation. next.

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dr. nicole saphier so i didn't have that on my bingo card. j we kind of saw this during covid we saw that people in the south were having more severe outcomes with covid and largely attributed to obesity population as well as the chronic illness that comes along with obesity so really no surprise that we're seeing increase rates of these gop1 agonists down in the south with more chronic illness unfortunately what we see when it comes to we go wegovy is two-thirds are using this for chronic illness diabetes and only one-third are using it for weight loss. but isn't that a little bit backwards shouldn't we be using these medications for weight loss more so we can prevent that chronic illness from starting? patients who are -- who have obesity or overweight cost the country about three times more in health care bills every single year. so my mantra is prevention so we want to prevent these medical

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diseases. rachel: it seems i understand your rational there. but i understand that studies done on the rats they got thyroid cancer so you could be taking it and then getting other -- negative side effects. by the way, we're seeing as the rise of ozempic usage goes up we're hearing more about side effects stomach problems, digestive issues on top of other long-term effects. >> without a doubt rachel let me tell you right now i'm always prevention is key. and i would love to say we need to prevent people from being overweight and obese from the get-go as we stand right now 50% of americans are already obese. 20% of kids are already obese. so yes i want to see those lifestyle changes medications are coming with risks we're seeing more and more side effects. rachel: i wish you would figure out what's wrong with our food supply and -- all of that before we always go to the pharmaceutical solution. which always ends up making people money and somehow making people sicker but we can --

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we can agree to disagree on that one. >> we agree on a lot more when it comes to that. rachel: i know we do. there are artificial sweeteners called iowa wrist -- so what is it for those listening and don't know what that is. >> a plant alcohol one of the sugar substitutes not from the beet root but evented people have been using it especially as it rise in diabetes in our society. when you see diet co*ke or artificial sweeteners stevia and companies do add to it. we have seen some evidence now, and even a latest study that shows that there may be a correlation with people who use take it with clot risk meaning heart attacks and strokes. it is enough data at this point that makes me pause i've never been a fan of sugar substitutes i don't cook with a lot of sugar in general. but for me i like use more natural ways to sweeten things

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like ginger rosemary pure maple scrup and honey and work with a nutritionist for your control but i personally am not a fan of the artificial sweeteners i know you love your diet mountain due but i don't love it. get away from that and drink some water. >> i'm with you on maple scrup and honey speaking of the natural the better your social media has a lot of great natural tips i encourage people to go to it i go to it to get good tips how to keep things natural and stay healthy. you've got it. 21 days and counting harris -- sits for kamala harris sits for zero interviews and zero policies on her website. so what does she stand for? we've got will and pete they're going off the wall. oooh! this is our night! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective.

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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" so this last week we had hurricane debby that brought all kinds of concerns with all of the flooding across so much of the eastern seaboard now it has hot there and we have tropical system we're continuing to watch this is the next one we're going deal with likely becoming ernesto and models we're looking at move this around parts of that

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northeastern caribbean and that curve could be good news. maybe, we're still very far out on this if you're on the eastern seaboard we are watching this one say around 7 to 10 days now and headed in towards that really busy time of hurricane season. this is what lower 48 looks like today weal see some more showers along coastal north carolina could cause a little bit of flooding but look at all of this rain that's coming through oklahoma including oklahoma city. a big flooding event going on right now. in oklahoma city with these incredible storms most offing on through. all right pete and will to you inside. pete: it has been 23 days since kamala harris became presumptive nominee yet to hold a proper sit down interview and still hasn't listed a single policy on her website. [inaudible conversations] >> platform -- >> next week. and it will be focused on the economy. >> she appears to be flip-flopping on several stances in recent weeks so let's go off

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the wall to see where she stands pete let's taken a look at where she's been in the past let's start by framing with issues that are most important to swing state voters. >> tons of topics she's been on both sides of on this program but we're going to hone in on the economy immigration, and abortion because in key battleground states voters are telling us that's what matters the most. >> economy is far on a number one issue and back our way starting with abortion, immigration and see if we can nail down exactly where kamala harris has been on these issues that are among top three for the swing state voters. >> best you can do tough to nail down. abortion start there. this is what kamala harris has said in the past. >> we -- who believe in reproductive freedom will fight for a woman's right to choose. and if he wins we all know he will sign a national abortion ban. to outlaw abortion in every state. when i am president of the

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united states, and when congress passes a bill to restore the protections of roe v. wade, i will sign it into law. [applause] >> this is one issue where she's been pretty consistent throughout her career. she's proabortion. well, also there's a consistent city in the phoniness and lies that is a fact checkable lie. donald trump has said on numerous occasions on many, many media platforms he's not interested in a national abortion ban. i don't know why they continue to repeat a lie they know is a lie and no one calls them out on that lie. that's simply not true. pete: you just did that's exactly right throughout her career she's pushed this and teamed up first of all in 2019 in response to the overturning of roe v. wade. she supported a plan that would allow the department of justice to approve state abortion laws. effectively trying to use big foot of government to come over the top of state prerogatives to choose where life begin.

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>> create a national law controlling abortion but they, vice presidential pick tim walz, and kamala harris have talked about making the national law legalizing abortion. pete: minnesota has most radical l abortion laws all the way until birth even then in handful of cases since he's been governor babies born alive not aloud to resuscitate them and diagnose on the table this is the policy of harris walz is abortion. all the way to the last trimester. will: i would love to see the national abortion law that would put together because you have to articulate your own limits and for decades it is only pushed back on what the right has to say now affirmative case on what do you mean legal until when? pete: every time they're pushed on this issue they can't answer it because it is radical and don't want to cross it. will: and then second issue that is important to voters that is illegal immigration. of course, she was tasked with handling the border. she was named the border czar.

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pete: no she wasn't -- will: she was given the job as border czar. and this is what she's had to say about illegal immigration. >> i think there's no question that we've got to critically re-examine l i.c.e.. >> address the root causes that cause people to make the trek. >> we know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it. strong border security and earned pathway to citizenship. pete: this administration undid everything donald trump to make it the most secure border in history. they did it on day one then she was given the job of border czar everyone acknowledged at the time trying to rewrite history and then she ran from that job as fast as she could she said, this is going to be bad for me. i don't want any part of it and went to the border one time i could be wrong maybe two and did everything she could to not address the border. will: this is what was going on under her watch under this

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administration. a point -- 8.2 million border encounters since january of 2021. pete: that's what we know of. this number as we know north of 10 million, and then they've got the drug crisis, amount of death the 100,000 deaths year it's becoming if not the second leading cause of death in the united states of america is the poisoning of americans by fentanyl we know exactly where it is coming through and she's the border czar. definitely didn't address those root causes. will: most notable thing on kamala harris and border she slandered for, quote, whipping -- haitian migrants. pete: move to inflation by far the number one issue and doozy answers when talking about inflation here's a bit of her talking about the economy. >> cost of groceries and gas has gone up. one of the highest priorities for the president and for me. fighting inflation is one of our administration's top economic priority. for many americans, prices are

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still too high. >> because bidenomics is working. it is working. prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices -- [laughter] >> prices are too high but bidenomics is working and fight to bring those prices down and never talks about how their policies contributed to she knows they talk about greedy corporations up their profits or maybe corporations are responding to the economic environment. you created -- will: here's the numbers behind what she was admitting bred up, eggs up 14.. pete: big part of the reason we get these numbers administration biden-harris cam la harris went to war with the energy industry. which is underneath everything else so when energy gets that much more expensive which it has everything gets more costly also. will: this is how they've

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handled the economy and this is what you're promised more of. american rescue plan 1.9 trillion dollars the bipartisan infrastructure act. 1.2 trillion. >> reduction act that didn't address inflation that was cause of the day by the way she was the deciding vote in the senate for this as the vice president. will: let's a big debate how many debates between trump and harris you know what would be fascinating between vice presidential harris and presidential candidate harris. a happy hour meet the veteran owned coffee launching premium canned co*cktails, next. pete: like it. my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the

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will: this morning one marine veteran helping you enjoy rest of your summer because it's not over with a brand new co*cktail he's calling vacation in a can. joining us now with more about his premium spirit company ula cofounder and marine veteran trevor spiers great to see you this morning. >> good to see you, man. will: summer is not over and you have the perfect beverage oolah

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to help us through. >> these are real co*cktails with real spirits in them. a little bit of carbonation who is that guy? a little bit of carbonation and being a big hit in virginia and stokes that you get a opportunity to show the people so she can enjoy it as well. will: beside this being veteran owned you have premium spirits involved this isn't, you know, nothing against hard seltzer but these are malt liquor but tequila and vodka in things like island girl, the big oh, margheritas as well. dges there's ailed girl. and that was important to my business partner chris klein and me superimportant for us that, you know, people understand that

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these are carbonated and feel bloated they're not fun on the beach or on the boat but these are not. only a little bit of carbonation to have a few of them and don't feel bloated it is really up to you. will: you're a marine vet i'm curious like the beverage business has been chalked full of entrepreneurial activity over the past i don't know let's say 20 years. but that's a heck of a project you're a part of that you are taking on. with could be a bright and shiny ending as well with big beverage companies that like to acquire small guys that are successful but what a project. >> look it is a crowd space, and -- i've never been afraid a challenge i've got a lot of energy, and my partner chris klein has got the energy guy. he's got a ton of energy. and we basically come at it like a crowded space but selling a kickback lifestyle with a lot of

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brands that are lifestyle brands and you know only a few that have been successful. we think it is we have a podcast oolah kickback conversations you'll get the spirit and soul of oolah and listen to me and chris it is real and a crowded space we get it. we understand it. but we're going to get after it like we have gotten after everything in our lives. will: all right that's awesome. oo-lah they've got flavors for the big o several different variation coconut pineapple good stuff. everybody can find find us on instagram please. everybody is goapg to find a flavor they love we have a ton of tastings, events check out east coast surfing championships in two weeks we'll be there. will: best of luck trevor. appreciate it. i hit the hudson in navy s.e.a.l. swim to those who put

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.